For Providers
CONQUER is designed to provide high quality treatment for a range of substance use disorders with or without co-occurring psychiatric illness
Our innovative model of low barrier treatment and care ultimately leads to increased clinical and functional outcomes, increased patient retention rates, as well as helping to reduce overall health costs.

Give Your Patients the Very Best
Provide your patients with the high quality, evidence based treatment they deserve
Science Based Treatment
The treatments and care that we offer are evidence based, and incorporate a combination of medical and behavioral treatments designed to help people deal with addictive and psychiatric disorders
Unconditional Support
The support that we provide for our patients is unconditional. We are here to provide help for your members which will lead them to happier and healthier lives.
Full Access
Our digital platform means patients can safely connect with us in a more convenient way. This is meant to reduce barriers to care which will increase services sought.
Physician Review Coming Soon

Overall Health Costs Decrease When Treating Substance Use Disorders.
By current estimates, over 20 million Americans struggle with a range of substance abuse disorders and many of these individuals are not receiving adequate treatment. In addition, 50% of these individuals have a co-occurring psychiatric illness.
These patients need help and helping them will reduce the burden of healthcare costs in America. An individual with Opioid use Disorder alone increases the cost to their health plan by 550% per year.
Our innovative approach to treating a range of addiction disorders can help you to improve health outcomes and demonstrate your commitment to dealing with this current epidemic, while simultaneously helping you to bring down healthcare cost in America.
Interested in partnering with CONQUER?
Together, we can offer our patients freedom from their addiction and proper management of their psychiatric illnesses.
Please do not include any patient information when filling out this form.
If you are a potential patient please contact us here.