
Conquer Marijuana Addiction at CONQUER

It’s been debated whether to legalize marijuana in the United States. Some states have legalized it for medicinal purposes only, such as Maryland. In other states it has been legalized for both medical and recreational use. With moves to legalize marijuana, the idea of using it has become less

taboo and more mainstream. For some people, marijuana is being used to escape the stressors of everyday life rather than being used for healing purposes. This is when marijuana moves from occasional use to an addiction, which can negatively impact a person’s life.

Signs of Marijuana Use & Effects to the Body

If you suspect someone is abusing marijuana, here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for:

  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Laughing for no reason
  • Always hungry (described as “the munchies”)
  • Forgetful
  • Dizzy spells

The signs and symptoms of marijuana use may not seem too alarming at first, though overtime it can quickly damage the body, particularly when inhaled. Like smoking cigarettes, smoking marijuana can lead to illnesses of the lungs and heart. Vaping devices (also known as e-cigarettes) are also being used to get high on marijuana. These devices have been associated with an outbreak of lung injuries. Although there have not been any reports of marijuana leading to death, people can overdose on it, particularly when it’s consumed in edible forms. Signs of marijuana overdose include paranoia, severe anxiety, panic attacks and hallucinations.

Marijuana Treatment at CONQUER

Because of the idea that no one has died from marijuana use, our culture has perpetuated the idea that getting high on it is funny or not addictive. Although marijuana use has become more widely accepted, it can become an addiction just like alcohol. Like alcohol use, using too much marijuana can get in the way of family responsibility, concentration at school or work, or interest in once-loved hobbies. If you or someone you love has a problem with marijuana use, CONQUER can help. We will find the ideal treatment program and modality to help you live a more fulfilled life. Get started by contacting us immediately via the form below.